Thursday, August 11, 2011

PSY 340 wk 3


It is essential to know and understand the mechanisms that determine a particular synapse exists or inhibits the post synaptic equal. The postsynaptic neuron has a sequence of actions that is rarely identical to the sequence of action potentials in the pre synaptic neuron. The changes within the postsynaptic terminal are known as the postsynaptic potentials of the chemical synapse, which is predicted to receive information for both excitatory and inhibitory synapse.
The four different stages of the synaptic transmission takes place within the synthesis storage of neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter of postsynaptic, inactivation of neurotransmitters and the release of neurotransmitter (Anonymous, n.d).  The synaptic transmission process is affected when certain neurotransmitters are affected. When this happens the neurotransmitter is extremely concentrated in a particular area of the brain. This process is known and called the synaptic transmission.
Certain changes can take place within the neurotransmitters that is affected by a use of a drug and a co-release of neurotransmitters that pertains to this change. When a dysfunction of a synaptic transmission has an imbalance, this can cause certain disorders as Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, and Parkinson’s (Wilson, 2009). A momentary change happens within the electric polarization in the membrane of a nerve cell causes postsynaptic potential to release. This function of the postsynaptic potential can direct a new pulse by firing off the new impulses.
Amino acids are building blocks from the buildup of proteins, which neurotransmitters are made from. The streesors and anxiety that an individual’s body feels, is determined by neurotransmitters. An example of a lacking protein would be if an individual was on a diet. Lacking proteins will be deficient in amino acids and will exhaust the body from working properly and keeps the body from performing its best (Anonymous, n.d).  Depression can also keep an individual’s body from working properly, which can generally be associated with the job of the primary neurotransmitter. The most important chemicals that are released and fired are from the neurotransmitters and are responsible for the chemical balance within one’s brain and for proper body functions. An order by which message will be fired and carried from one neuron to another is responsible from chemical impulses or the neurotransmitters that generate in the brain (Anonymous, n.d). There are three neurotransmitters that are located in the brain that are responsible for reactions to stress, emotions, appetite, sleep, sexuality, and sleep (Wilson, 2009). A person can experience depression from the three primary neurotransmitters; serotonin, dopamine and nor epinephrine. Only a certain amount of these neurotransmitters are available in small quantities located within the brain. Once the chemicals are used up or lack of, they disappear very quickly and takes time to rebuild what is gone.
The three mentioned neurotransmitters have excitatory effect on postsynaptic potienal, in which the primary neurotransmitters and postsynaptic effect are connected. When a person experiences depression, normally means that certain levels within the brain are lacking the buildup of serotonin, which is responsible for many functions. These functions control moods, blood pressure, pain, body temperature, as well as hormone levels. The change in inhibition of primary neurotransmitters results in changes within the brain functions. 


Anonymous. (n.d). Research and Markets: Stress, Neurotransmitters, and Hormones: Neuroendocrine and Genetic Mechanisms. Business Wire, Retrieved from ProQuest: ABI/INFORM Complete database
Wilson, D. (2009). Anxiety and depression: it all starts with stress. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 8(3), 42-45. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.

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